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Toufic Hakim, PhD, Senior Managing Principal of Group i&i and 

Laura Crandall, EdM, Founder of Slate Communication, co-presented a 3-hour workshop at the 2017 IFS Conference in Providence, RI, around new developments of their model, referred to as Willo3. ​​Read more...

The latest news from Group i&i...

Group i&i was identified as the consulting firm to serve the Union County Workforce Development Board (UC WDB) in a second phase of strategic engagement to enhance the capacity and effectiveness of the system. ​​Read more...

Group i&i Consultancy has recently completed the implementation of six comprehensive workshops for the Union County Workforce Development Board in Elizabeth, New Jersey. 

Group i&i Consultancy Selected to Advise the Union County Workforce Development Board   
WIOA Customer-Engagement & System Partnership-Enhancement Workshops   
Group i&i Co-Presenting 3D Visualization of Organizational Culture Workshop